I have 27 projects on Github
Metagenomic sequence data analysis pipeline
all about microbial genome
Bioinformatics training resources
DADA2 and PICRUST2 pipeline for 16S rRNA sequencing
A tool for generating consensus long-read assemblies for bacterial genomes
A complete pipeline for metagenomic analysis
study process of scikit-learn
Python Data Science Handbook: full text in Jupyter Notebooks
My collection of Python Programs
利用Python进行数据分析 第二版 (2017) 中文翻译笔记
Software for prediction of plasmid sequences in metagenomic assemblies
NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline
Python script for downloading bacterial genomes from NCBI ftp
An R package for data analysis in microbial community ecology
Amplicon sequencing pipelines suitable for SSU (16S, 18S), LSU (23S, 28S) and ITS.
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Version 5 of the CAFE phylogenetics software
A curated list of nextflow based pipelines
small RNA detection from paired-end RNA-seq data
R scripts for Analysis of Composition of Microbiomes (ANCOM).
Comprehensive alignment, whole-genome coverage, and capture coverage statistics.